Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) is an advanced nondestructive examination technique that utilizes a set of ultrasonic testing (UT) probes made up of numerous small elements, each of which is pulsed individually with computer-calculated timing (“phasing”). When these elements are excited using different time delays, the beams can be steered at different angles, focused at different depths, or multiplexed over the length of a long array, creating the electronic movement of the beam.
This makes Phased Array an effective and efficient alternative to Radiographic inspection. And since there is no radiation or environmental hazards, Phased Array inspections can access radiation sensitive areas, increase project production by not displacing other crafts in the area, and maximizes on-site and personnel safety.
Phased array advantages include ability to cover large areas, increased inspection speed, accurate results, high degree of repeatability and many more. Phased array is typically used for weld inspection of pressure vessels, piping and tubing, crack detection, flaw sizing for remaining life calculations and corrosion mapping.