
About Us

About Us

We provide “Quality” work at fair prices.

Quality Testing Services, Inc. is a nondestructive inspection and consultant company that was established in 1980 with the concept of creating an inspection firm dedicated to providing dependable products and services. QTS has since become a leader in the development and implementation of field focused NDT inspection and technology. We pride ourselves in our client relationships, which have continued over many decades. Our highly trained team of inspectors assist in providing safe, quality inspections in all aspects of testing.
Our team is invested in the development and growth of the company, our people, safety, knowledge and the reliability we provide to our clients.


We are Professionals

Mechanical engineers employ their skills in mathematics and science to develop, design, and manufacture tools, engines, machines, and countless other mechanical devices that improve our standard of living.

We are Inspectors

API certified inspectors are recognized worldwide as professionals who are fully knowledgeable of the relevant industry inspection codes and standards, and who are capable of performing their jobs in accordance with the latest and most acceptable industry inspection practices.

We are Technicians

The ASNT NDT Level III program provides third-party certification for nondestructive testing (NDT) personnel whose specific jobs require knowledge of the technical principles underlying the nondestructive tests they perform, witness, monitor or evaluate.

Meet Our Team

Rocco Roina

Original founder of the company in 1980

Adam R. Roina

ASNT NDT L-III. Adam joined the company in 2004 after graduating from UCONN with a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Stephen Newell

Site Lead
Southern territory lead. As one of the first employees, Steve joined the company in 1980

Erich Graeper

Lead Technician
Advanced NDE lead technician. Erich joined the company in 2007.

Our Clients